Dealing with E.on Next

I moved into my new home August last year and I transferred over British Gas from my previous address to my new address. Not everyone likes British Gas, but I like them and their pricing is far more stable and less messy than other companies.

The previous people had signed up to the company E.on Next for their gas and electric and dealing with them! What a pain!

My home hardly used any gas or electric and they wanted to way over charge. They had estimated that I would use over 450 units of electricity in 29 days? I still having used that much yet and I’ve been living in the property for over seven months now.

Phone call after phone call, asking for a simple thing, send me a bill with the breakdown in the post. You know, this company took five months to get that done. I knew something was wrong with the original bill that had no breakdown. They would send letters out, pay this amount now. And on a lot of those letters, they didn’t even tell you how to pay! Weirdness! When I finally got the right bill, I saw the estimated reading they had done, way off!

I also phoned up Ofgem the regulator for help. On the phone again for over an hour, I explained to them what was going on, the overcharging, etc and they put me through to some woman at E.on Next and I was talking to them again. 

It took seven months for a company to work out there were over charging me by £200 and this was based from British Gas readings. E.on Next went as far to employed another company pastdue credit solutions to try and steal my money. Even know I had paid the more correct amount and they said they would tell this credit solutions company, they in fact didn’t. Leaving this other company trying contact me. I had to block the number of them on my mobile because it really was turning into harassment.

To date, this has to be the worse company I have ever dealt with in my life. 

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